Hmmm... Let's See..

I recently realized that I had been doing a lot of thinking and reflecting on programming, software development in general and things I learned from work regarding coding that I decided to maybe try starting a blog on it. After all, I had been putting my thoughts on electronic paper (wordpad..haha) so to speak that I might as well log them as blogs. So yes, I had been typing away at my thoughts about this programming/sd/coding topic before I even started this blog. I think I will post a few of them on here after this post sometime later and hopefully the bloggie will grow. I had been typing my thoughts but not posting them on blogs nor talk about them for a few reasons:

1) I can type quite fast, like over 50 wpm last time I checked a few years ago..and I feel my speed stay at least the same , if not faster.

2) Although creating a blog is easy as 1,2,3.. maintaining it, and maybe it grow is the more time consuming and tougher part. Just think of the analogy of creating a baby (so exciting and satisfying..esp for the guy...) is easy, but raising a baby and make it grow the way you want it is HARD. For fathers out there who had raised kids, you get the point. I am married and I have a kid you get the point there too!

3) I had been thinking about software development and stuff in general and realized that I learned to like it!.. I will talk about it more later on.. I'll just post my previous private statements I had written in the past.

4) There is no one to really talk to all the time about it. Come on, face it.. how many find software development, programming an interesting? They have reality TV shows and regular TV shows about lawyers, business people ( apprentice ), detective (CSI,etc), cops (24..), medical people ( ER, House, Scrub..haha).. BUT NO TECHNICAL COMPUTER PROGRAMMING PEOPLE. They have "this old house" technical people who show you have to do wood making and building a house.. but programming/software dev? hahahhaha. Why, because the general public don't understand the difference between a byte and bit.. most of them anyways. Talking to my wife about it is even worst because she doesn't even know simple things such as searching for an email via subject in yahoo.

5) Speaking about talking about technical topic.. just conversing about it to most people is difficult ..but conversing it with technical people in general can be just as horrible... especially the ones who think they know a lot versus the ones who knows a lot. I for one doesn't claim to know a ton about programming because it's such a wide scope now (you have .NET, C/C++, ASP, Ada, Fortran, Perl, builts, and other non langugage related stuff). But I do claim to know more about it than someone who have only a 1 or 2 years of experience in actuall software creation commercially and therefore can speak my thoughts. Others who have a few years will think they know it all, and thinks that programming is software development..which is SO WRONG, in my opinion anyways. And notice I say in my opinion because this brings up aonther point that every technical/software/computer 'guru' seem to have their own opinion of things and for these people, being right is crucial. But for subjective topics, it's not easy as a quantitative topic like saying 1+1 = 2 is right and 1+1 = 3 is wrong. So you might have debates, ego, and condescending tones if you don't know a topic in which they think it is a basic concept. Humility is not existence for most technical people. So whatever I post later on, people might or might not agree, but that is okay since if someone disagrees and they gave a reason why, it gives a whole new perspective and then you get to learn from it..which is the point of all endeavor (leave ego out the door and you will learn, because even some little kids can have a new creative perspective from a full grow adult ).

Now if you are still reading this.. thank you because at least it means I either did not bored you or you might find that my post might be interesting. It might also mean that you are also in this industry.. or trying to gain entrance to it or just so bored that you are reading my blog..hahaha. So I'll see how this blog will work out and whether I will continue to make it grow.

But Anyways.. til next time... as my 2 year old daughter is bothering the heck out of me and thus seems like I am rambling on without checking for grammatical error.. which is better than run-time errors..hahaha.

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